domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Try again!!!!

Desde que finalicé los estudios en la Escuela de Idiomas no he escrito nada en inglés, pero ahí va el primero de los que teníamos que escribir. Al ser relatos cortísimos tenía que plasmar historias con gancho. Espero que os guste y no contenga demasiados errores:

I have not had much luck in my life: my mother died when I was born and I was brought up by my alcoholic father who never looked after me very much. He hit me every day until one day we fought and I killed him; I could hide my guilt so since I was a teenager I have had to manage by myself. My best friends were older than me and they were always in trouble with the police. I learnt from them how to rob a shop and how to steal a car but after some years in the streets I improved a lot and before I was 20 I had already raped a woman, shot a man and entered prison.

After twelve years in hell I was free again but I needed to move to another city far away from my street to start my new life. I went to Los Angeles and looked for a job but nobody wanted to hire me, my money ran out and I was desperate. I had some beers and when I went out of that bar the night had already come. The streets were empty, the public lights were on and the sounds of some TV could be heard in the distance. Having walked all day asking for a job I was tired and angry so when I saw that pregnant woman I thought about her as an easy source of money. She was trying to start her car when I got into it and showing a knife I asked for the money. She began to shout like a mad woman so to avoid being discovered I put my hand on her mouth. No sooner had she stopped her movements than I realised she was dead. I did not kill her, I promise it was an accident.

I really wanted to have a normal life, moreover I was sure I would have got it if I had been hired but now I know I will never kill again. I am walking through a dark and narrow corridor with a pair of policemen and a priest by my side. On the right and on the left some men are praying, crying or looking at me inside their cells, knowing this is the last time they will be able to see me alive. At the end of the corridor an electric chair is waiting for me.

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